406 Club Lambs


General Lee
Big Tex x Supercharged
Bred by Rockin C Farms




Big Tex
Double T x Big Rig/Fibermax
Bred by Rockin C Farms, Tahoka, Texas




406 Club Lambs Sires 89
Fire Away x Red Tag/ Woodshed
Bred by Jerry Franklin Show Lambs of Tucumcari, New Mexico




406 Club Lambs Sires 406 Club Lambs Sires
Delmonico (Flawless Son) x Crego (Mailman x Bone)

Bred by Crego Livestock of Wellington, Colorado




406 Club Lambs Sires 406 Club Lambs Sires
Homecookin’ (Estes 5569 x Woodshed) x Woodshed
Bred by SRV Club Lambs of Rupert, Idaho




Estes 5569
Woodshed x Estes 0530
Bred by Estes Show Lambs of Sanger, California




Powercat x Masterpiece

Bred by Miller Hampshire’s of Seagraves, Texas




Maker x Vintage
Bred by Miller Hampshire’s of Seagraves, Texas

406 Club Lambs 406 Club Lambs
Mike Swan (406) 570.4897
Lauren Swan (406) 570.0670
1240 Yadon Road - Manhattan, Montana 59741
Email - info@406clublambs.com
406 Club Lambs
406 Club Lambs
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